In the Fall of 1995, twenty-six students joined Lambda Chi Alpha alumnus Steve Blair (CPSLO) to re-establish the Delta-Kappa Colony at The University of San Diego. Despite an unsuccessful attempt in the late 1970’s to be granted a charter, this modern effort was organized and determined. Though the Founding Fathers joined an established Greek community with fraternities four times their size, the Colony quickly became known on campus as brotherhood of gentlemen with their sights set on greatness. They took leadership roles in Student Government, IFC and in the community. By the time a charter was granted two years later, their ranks had grown to seventy-five, and they had built a foundation upon which a successful chapter could grow.

Over the next two decades the Delta-Kappa Chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha solidified its place at the top of USD’s Greeks with eight President’s Cups, numerous service and standards awards, and even recognition from the Mayor of San Diego for philanthropic efforts.